Imagine All Smiles upon Us

Imagine All Smiles upon Us

ŠKODA & Cirque du Soleil® just announced a fantastic partnership. Surprised? Read on to find out why this collaboration makes perfect sense.

20. 7. 2017 Škoda World

Brand collaborations are often rather tricky business, and even more so, when the companies involved operate in wholly different industries. But when they mutually share a common ground of visions, attitude and goals, a unique convergence of brilliant ideas develops - which is a perfect description of the new ŠKODA and Cirque du Soleil partnership.


What’s the driving force behind innovation? Most people would be right to assume it has to have a lot to do with human creativity and inspiration. Yet there seems to be not so many subjects being that certain in proudly placing such an inspirational equation to the forefront of their respective mission as the world live entertainment leader and one of the world’s oldest car manufacturer. An unusual combination, don´t you think? But when you look closely at both Cirque du Soleil and ŠKODA’s ambitious roster of activities, there's no doubt those two might well form a perfect match. And guess what they are just about to do? Coincidence? Not at all.


ŠKODA’s latest partnership with Cirque du Soleil might still be a surprising move for some, but it totally fulfills and complements both of their respective skills and experiences while bridging two of the human nature gifts they both value most: passionate creativity and a desire to improve the world. Cooperation between brands only makes sense if the partners share the same values, visions and goals - for ŠKODA and Cirque du Soleil the most important common values are human and surprising. Not much of a shock is it, hm?

Yes, you might say - they come from two essentially different industries so how does a brilliant live show translate into everyday car usage? Well, the answer is surprisingly simple: Cirque du Soleil as well as ŠKODA both share the common ground of making even the simplest everyday moments extraordinary, bringing forth strong emotions where one might not even look for them in the first place, and last but not least, allowing everybody to feel alive and a part of something greater.


Cirque du Soleil has brought joy to it’s audiences since its inception in the 80s. In just over 30 years, Cirque du Soleil has reached over 180 million spectators to their shows around more than 400 cities, 60 countries and 6 continents it’s safe to say they just hit the right chord with people, and their much deserved praise is amplified by their sustainability and environmental ethos.

Now think of ŠKODA and its over 120-year-long history and tens of millions of customers. It makes even more sense. This is, simply put, the real core basis of their upcoming fantastic collaborations, which is going to entertain everybody up until 2021. Let´s hope it will make you as happy and filled with inspiration as the millions of people before!


Cirque du Soleil is a trademark owned by Cirque du Soleil and used under license.

Photo credits:

Camirand © 2012 Cirque du Soleil
Faical Hajji © 2009 Cirque du Soleil