How does the employee in the Road Tests Department view Christmas? Read a conversation with Jaromír filled with gift ideas

How does the employee in the Road Tests Department view Christmas? Read a conversation with Jaromír filled with gift ideas
17. 12.
My big wish for Christmas is to meet with all of my family at the Christmas Eve table.
Can you remember the Christmas present that made you the happiest?
My best-ever present was a remote-controlled car. I'd wanted that car desperately, and I was in seventh heaven when I got it - lovely memories!
What present would you like to get this year for Christmas?
My big wish for Christmas is to meet with all of my family at the Christmas Eve table. That will be the greatest present for me.
Jaromír Kocourek
has been working at ŠKODA AUTO for 25 years; started on the assembly line (rear axle mounted to the body), then worked on cylinder run-in and wheel alignment sites, currently works in the Road Tests Department.
Who are you going to give the best present to this year? And what will it be?
I will give my wife a Pandora bracelet, I know she wants one and I am sure she will be thrilled to bits, and that's why this is the best present. I have to get presents for my whole family, but the simplest present is one for my grandson - I'll get him some toys.