Education at Škoda Auto is one of the main pillars of the sustainability strategy and the support for social responsibility. The Company sees education and development as being fundamentally important, and it considers lifelong education and enhancing qualifications among its employees to be a major priority. In addition to providing employees with support, Škoda Auto is a partner in the development of knowledge, providing educational activities that are open to all. The main strategic themes include support for corporate culture and leadership, which is an essential component in transformation throughout the automotive industry. The Company concentrates primarily on technical education, digital technologies, personal and cultural development, language skills, and support for the physical and mental health of its employees. Škoda Auto invests in education over the long term. In 2023, in collaboration with the KOVO Unions, it signed the Memorandum of Cooperation and Support for Škoda Academy. In doing so, it committed itself to investing considerable sums in the education and development of its employees to be able to successfully cope with transformations relating to digitisation and the move toward electromobility.
Škoda Auto has a long tradition of education
The Škoda Auto vocational school opened its doors to the first 58 apprentices in Mladá Boleslav back in 1927. Since then, more than 25,000 people have graduated from the school. Some 762 novice automotive specialists, including 113 girls, are studying 16 specialisations at the specialised vocational school in the 2023–2024 academic year. Since 2000, those interested have been able to take bachelor’s and follow-up master’s study programmes and specialisations that combine economic and technical education at Škoda Auto University. More than 1,200 students are currently studying in Mladá Boleslav and Prague. Employee and apprentice education came together in 2013 in Škoda Academy, which was established as part of the education strategy at the Volkswagen Group and which has built up an exceptional education community, through which it is now able to respond to specific needs quickly and in a targeted way. For ten years now, Škoda Academy has been a partner that is actively devoted to transformation issues and training sessions, that deals with conceptual and methodical activities, and that provides comprehensive education to all employees and to apprentices of the Škoda Auto vocational school in Mladá Boleslav.
Examples of education and programmes at Škoda Auto
Škoda Academy carried out a whole range of significant projects and activities in the year 2023.
Celebration of 10 years of Škoda Academy
Employees of Škoda Auto and its partners in education celebrated 10 years of Škoda Academy with several innovative workshops, expositions of interactive games, etc., and Company representatives signed an important Memorandum on Education at Škoda Academy that will ensure support for education at Škoda Auto into the future.
Individual coaching and mentoring programmes
Mentoring Mach Box: the new mentoring concept at Škoda Auto aims to increase cooperation throughout the Company, to harmonise the methodology and objectives of mentoring, to support mentors in their work, and to help mentees find suitable mentors.
Support was provided in 2023 to the running of Communities, in which employees with particular positions in the employee structure come together. Communities is a platform for sharing and transferring information, gathering across different areas, and dealing with burning issues fast. Communities of foremen, the Leadership Community, the community of experts, etc., are all very popular, dealing with issues associated with the work of a leader, personal development, HR projects, issues among experts, and so on.
Expert Forum 2023
Events such as the Expert Forum aim to thank experts for their work, shine a light on their role and benefit to the Company, and together celebrate the completion of the launch of an expert concept at the Company. Almost 150 experts and other employees took part in the event this year.
Corporate culture and cooperation
The year 2023 brought new impulses to Corporate Culture Workshops for management, with the key point of the workshops being a target culture at Škoda that follows on from the Company strategy and the Group context. Linking to the day-to-day work of each and every manager is of fundamental benefit, as is the situation in which managers exchange experiences with those in different areas and at different levels.
Another activity od Škoda Academy is, for example, the Development and Assessment Centres for candidates and support of personal development.
Examples of leadership activities
New leadership model
This style of leadership, in conjunction with the Social sustainability strategy, is a key pillar of success at Škoda Auto. The new leadership model at Škoda Auto brings leaders to the fore and is based on three roles: Supporting Partner, Enthusiastic Innovator, and Implementer with Vision.
Leader of Change
Since 2022, Škoda Academy has been offering all managers a comprehensive programme entitled Leader of Change, which develops the essential management skills of strategic and change management. More than 100 managers have undertaken the programme.
Leader Coach
In 2023, the Company launched a new course – Leader Coach – to broaden the portfolio of management styles and coaching skills. The programme will be expanded in 2024 to include self-study on the Degreed platform.
Examples in technical education
Providing employees with continual training is absolutely essential for Škoda Auto in order to maintain competitiveness and secure jobs into the future. For this reason, it has improved the qualifications of more than 24,500 employees since 2018. In the year 2023, another course was added for all employees – New Energy and Energy Management – which responds to the fast-changing situation in the energy market. Škoda Academy has further expanded on issues such as robotics (for example, VKR 5), automation, electrical engineering, and control systems for automated lines to cope with the arrival of new technologies and ongoingtransformation in the automotive industry.
Škoda Roadiaq Student Car
Secondary school pupils from Mladá Boleslav again designed and built their own dream car in 2023. Since 2014, these cars have offered a demonstration of the high standard of teaching at the Škoda Auto Secondary Vocational School of Engineering. The ninth pupils’ car was named the Škoda Roadiaq, which underlines the adventurous spirit of contemporary explorers in line with the brand’s current concept, Let’s Explore. A total of 29 apprentices decided to transform the fully electric Škoda Enyaq SUV into a multipurpose mobile home and mobile office, using sustainable materials in the interior.
Reskilling/upskilling – requalification and improving qualifications
Škoda Auto pursues projects and processes that support employees in gaining further education and qualifications. It works in cooperation with partner secondary schools (its own vocational school included) and universities, where employees have the opportunity to improve and enhance their qualifications, broaden their level of education, study a variety of MBA programmes, etc.
Digital Upskilling and AI – Artificial Intelligence
In light of the rapid changes in technology and trends, education has focused on getting to know the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (AI), understanding it, and taking inspiration from it. Workshops look at the history of AI, its development and use, and specific examples of AI application in the world around us. One important aspect is becoming acquainted with the technique of prompting. Almost 300 employees attended these workshops. Another development activity focused on artificial intelligence is, for example, an interactive game: Save artificial intelligence! - Alice in Algorithmland. More than 600 participants picked up plenty of new information over the space of five weeks, completing different tasks and answering questions linked to the topic.
The Digital Upskilling programme is an important step towards digitisation at Škoda Auto, a starting point for digital transformation. It combines an approach that is based on data and self-assessment and aims to map out the current level of digital skills among employees, subsequently allowing them to improve on those skills.
New DEGREED education platform
Degreed is a digital self-learning platform that provides knowledge that is tailored to all employees and at the same time provides the Company with valuable information about their skills at present and their potential. It is the base on which to build strategic requalification and upskilling for employees, with a view to developing skills for the future. Degreed provides fast and easy access to the content of a
whole range of other digital learning platforms. The combination of publicly available knowledge from those platforms (for example, LinkedIn Learning or Digiskills) and in-house knowledge introduced by Škoda experts creates a safe virtual environment for experts and students alike. The Degreed platform means that employees are able to learn independently and in a targeted manner whenever they need it for theirwork. After correctly setting their profile, they receive regular recommendations from the system on the topics that interest them and that are important for the development of their skills.
Cooperation in education
Not only does Škoda Auto support education among its own employees, but it also participates in the development of education in the Czech Republic. The Company has the oldest vocational school in the country, and its own university. Using this experience, it works with all levels of schools, public institutions, public benefit purpose organisations, and a whole host of other partners in this area, passing its know-how on to them and raising the standard of technical education in people entering the labour market. It is actively involved in improving the quality of the education system and makes efforts to promote (in particular) technical and IT specialisations by supporting relevant organisations and building new partnerships.
In addition to its support for primary schools and kindergartens, as of 2023, Škoda Auto has also built long term cooperation with secondary schools and universities. It prepares a range of unique projects with them that develop specialised, social, and other skills for both the pedagogical leadership and the students themselves.
Number of schools with which the Company cooperates:
Kindergartens | 15 |
Elementary Schools | 49 |
High schools | 44 |
Universities | 19 |
EDU.Lab mobile education laboratory
The Škoda EDU.Lab mobile laboratory began its journey back in 2021, with the aim of introducing pupils and students to modern technology and inspiring them to study technical specialisations in future. The laboratory attracted more than 10,000 pupils and students from primary and secondary schools in 2023. It also appeared at events focused on popularising technology, such as the SingularityU Czech Summit 2023, EDUCA, and the Maker Faire festival in Brno. The EDU.Lab also spent a week with pupils in Slovakia. The mobile laboratory aims to visit all regions in the Czech Republic by the end of 2025 and plans to keep up with the latest trends in its offered program.
EDU WEEK – Week for Teachers
At the end of August 2023, the Company organised the third year of EDU Week, a series of workshops and webinars for teachers and staff at different types of schools and educational institutes, doing so in cooperation with Škoda Auto University and the Škoda Auto Endowment Fund. Education workshops have traditionally been held during the event in Škoda Auto’s home regions. The online webinars were open to all those interested in the Czech Republic. The programme took place under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport of the Czech Republic for the first time in 2023, with a record 568 participants from more than 200 schools and institutions throughout the country taking part.
Technological Literacy and Technology Olympics
Škoda Auto was again actively involved in projects focused on technological literacy in 2023. The project aims to provide education in the field of modern technologies and connect the
academic world to practice. The project allows students to take a look into the world of the modern technologies used at Škoda Auto, and simultaneously it shows them possibilities for their own future. Škoda Auto provided experts in technical development, who helped prepare talks for schools, and provided financial support to the execution of the whole project throughout the Czech Republic. The project proved very popular among primary and secondary schools in 2023, with a total of 12,000 pupils and students attending the talks. This project went hand-in-hand with the Technology
Olympics, which were held in April 2023 with the participation of around 1,700 secondary school students.
Echt Praxe
The Škoda Auto Secondary Vocational School of Engineering signed up, for a third time, for Echt Praxe, an Open Doors Week at German companies working in the Czech Republic. Echt Praxe, which Škoda Academy organised as an Open Doors Day, is an opportunity for the Company to show what it has to offer and simultaneously a unique way of connecting young enthusiasts with the dynamic automotive industry.
Girls Day 2023
The Secondary Vocational School of Engineering is passionately committed to supporting gender equality in technical education. One of the most important steps taken in this area is the regular Girls Day, which brings together the world of technical education and enthusiastic girls. The event aims to introduce the opportunity to study technical specialisations at Škoda Auto. Girls Day is more than a one-day event, though; it reflects the Company’s determination to provide high-quality specialised education to all and devotes attention to developing professional skills and connecting theory to practice, all leading to outstanding workers in technical specialisations.
Days of Technology in Kvasiny
Days of Technology have become an inspirational event for pupils studying in the ninth year of primary school in and around Kvasiny. The Company aims to motivate young people to study technical specialisations and to introduce them to the fascinating world of technology. Škoda Academy collaborated with ten schools in 2023, with 188 pupils, girls and boys, signing up for the programme.
In 2021, Škoda Auto founded the 42 Prague non-profit education institute in support of lifelong learning and improving social skills. The innovative concept of teaching, a milestone for the IT education sector in the Czech Republic as a whole, consists of reciprocal teaching and learning without teachers, and a campus that is open 24/7. The style of teaching is far removed from common customs in three regards – theprogress of each student is measured in levels; students learn together, individually, and cooperatively on projects; and they also correct each other, which promotes a constructive exchange of views on project results. They earn a certificate in software engineering, a profession of extreme importance to the automotive industry, after two to four years. One hundred students signed up to study in 2023. The Company aims to train up to 450 future programmers over the next five years. The institute continued building new partnerships in 2023.
Škoda Auto actively works to ensure barrier-free and safe mobility. To this end, it mainly concentrates on providing accessible mobility to people with handicaps or other restrictions and on supporting road safety. Education in traffic safety and prevention are key matters to which the Company has long paid attention. In doing so, it endeavours to create an environment on the road that is safer for drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists alike.
Traffic safety
The Company focuses on focuses on prevention projects in traffic safety. One of the main ways of doing this is to educate those most at risk. One significant initiative in this area is the Start Driving project, carried out by the Czech Association of Driving Schools, which educates driving instructors and new drivers on the issue of safety and provides them with the skills to safely handle a car in demanding situations. A total of 2,500 new drivers signed up for the project in 2023, at eight different test tracks.
In addition to this, the Company initiated Start Driving for Women. There was record interest in these courses, with 46 women drivers from Škoda Auto taking part in the first two. The Škoda Auto Endowment Fund continued its support of traffic safety in production regions with grant calls. These grants are targeted at prevention using a data-based approach, in particular through education and awareness-raising activities. Just as important is the support of infrastructure measures to increase traffic safety. In 2023, a total of 9 projects from all Škoda regions received support for infrastructure measures. Among the interesting projects was, for example, an activity focused on the overall calming of traffic in the village of Jabkenice in Mladoboleslavsko, through a well-thought-out action combining several measures.
Barrier-free mobility
Škoda Auto has long incorporated support for barrier-free mobility in its strategy. The Company actively helps disabled people live a full and active life without restrictions. The main objective of the Company’s activities in this area is to motivate, inform, and educate disabled people about barrier-free mobility so that they can fully enjoy life and achieve independence.
The Škoda Handy Programme is a big help to the disabled people involved, providing as it does special financing, insurance, and vehicle modification. Cooperation with organisations such as the Czech Paraplegic Association, Centrum Paraple, and Cesta za snem (Journey to a Dream) further boosts this support. A series of four talks for disabled drivers at rehabilitation centres and institutions was again organised in the year 2023 in collaboration with Journey to a Dream.
Škoda Auto also initiated and, in cooperation with Konto Bariéry (Barrier Account), carried out the Škoda Without Barriers grant programme. The programme, in its second year, helps disabled people access better mobility. It provides individual assistance in getting a driving licence and financial support in buying special bicycles for disabled athletes. The grant programme consists of two parts: Shame Not to Drive (Škoda Neřídit) grants, through which 8 contributions towards getting a driving licence were paid out in 2023, and Cycling Without Barriers (Cyklistika bez bariér) grants, through which disabled athletes were able to apply for financial support to buy a handbike. In 2023, 18 disabled cyclists obtained this support.
Increasing the mobility of public benefit purpose organisations and other partners
Škoda Auto provided a total of 11 electric Škoda Enyaq iV and Enyaq Coupé RS cars to partners throughout the country for long-term use in 2023, with the aim of improving mobility for the staff at public organisations. This help aims to promote sustainable mobility at those organisations, improve the quality of the services provided, and at the same time provide users with personal experience of fully electric cars.
Then, at the end of 2023, Škoda Auto handed 16 cars over to key providers of social and medical care in the regions in which it is active. The partners to the campaign were primarily retirement homes, care services, and home hospices. This cooperation aims to raise the quality of social care in certain areas and improve its availability to clients who live in remote or hard-to-reach places.
Start Driving: a prevention project in traffic safety
In addition to safe cars, of key interest to Škoda Auto in terms of traffic safety is the driver. And it is our responsibility to do the utmost for their safety. In this regard, one critical group is that of young novice drivers. For this reason, Škoda Auto financially supports the Start Driving Project, in cooperation with the Czech Association of Driving Schools, which educates driving instructors and new drivers in safe movement on roads. The Company initiated Start Driving for Women courses in 2023, with record interest.
“We are delighted by the interest and the positive responses in the very first year. I myself took the course, and I must say that, as a mother of three who does the utmost for the safety of my family, it was very important. The instructors, male and female, who enhanced our knowledge and responsibility in the theoretical part with the help of psychological seminars and workshops, helped us greatly improve our skills behind the wheel in the practical part, mainly in crisis situations.”
Veronika Teplá from the Škoda Auto External Affairs Department
Employee volunteering and engagement
Employee volunteering and engagement is a solid part of the Company’s culture, and has been for many years. There are several organised groups of employees at Škoda Auto, sharing experiences and offering their knowledge and skills to voluntary activities. Such platforms include Škoda Proud, the
Woman to Woman mentoring programmes, and ŠKODA Explorers.
Employees are also regularly involved in organised volunteer events. They help public organisations and other regional partners all year round, as individuals and entire departments, by cleaning up, planting greenery, restoring native species, maintaining the facilities, and providing material security, for example. The Škoda Volunteers employee group was created to share information and connect employees with organisations. More than 500 employees used this platform during the year, spending their free time helping those in need.
TERIBEAR moves Mladá Boleslav
For the ninth time now, the Company has provided its support to TERIBEAR, a charity that aims to collect money through healthy exercise in order to help disadvantaged children from children’s homes with their education and with contact with their biological families. All those interested took to the track together in Štěpánka Park in Mladá Boleslav. The Company supported the get-together with a sum of CZK 400,000 and by having more than 300 employees and their nearest and dearest at the starting line, and with others helping with the organisational side of things.
Tree Day
November was the month of Tree Day with Škoda Auto. In cooperation with regional partner the Czech Association for the Preservation of Nature Klenice (Český svaz ochránců přírody Klenice), Company employees planted a new avenue of trees from Boseň to Lhotice in the Mladá Boleslav area. Sixty employees took part in planting the trees, joining forces with other volunteers to plant a total of 90 native varieties of fruit trees.
Other trees were planted in the autumn. In the Krkonoše Mountains, for example, the first 50 fruit trees native to the range were planted (apple trees, pear trees, plum trees, cherry trees). These have an important part to play in the lives of certain species of animals and plants and in putting the finishing touches to the character of the landscape. The new trees, planted under the expert guidance of employees at the Krkonoše Mountains National Park Administration by volunteers from Škoda Auto and the Beautification Society in Vrchlabí, will also have the function of being a backup population of the gene pool of old fruit varieties. A total of 100 fruit trees are to be planted as part of the project, at a total cost of CZK 520,000, and these will be provided with the necessary care for the next three years.
Since 2021, Škoda Auto has also been supportive of European Tree Day, which has been emphasising the importance of trees and bringing together communities and environmental issues all over Europe for 13 years now.
Earth Day
Škoda Auto again signed up for Let’s clean up Czechia (Ukliďme Česko) in 2023, with employees from all three plants venturing into the surrounding countryside to help rid it of waste. Almost 250 participants turned up for the three weekend get-togethers. The clean-ups were done in cooperation with local environmental conservation societies. In total, volunteers cleared their surroundings of 8.5 tons of waste.
Škoda Trees
The Škoda Trees grant programme, carried out in collaboration with Nadace partnerství (Partnership Foundation), worked even more intensively in 2023 on the impact of the trees planted, on restoring the environmental balance of the landscape, and on boosting its resilience in the face of climate change. The programme aims to plant trees all over the Czech Republic. It also promotes the involvement of employees and of the general public in planting trees, so as to increase interest among the population in the areas in which they live. All trees were planted in a way that would make sure they take root and are provided with subsequent care.
Since 2007, the Company has planted a total of 1,244,080 trees in more than 240 places in the Czech Republic as part of this project. Some 71,152 trees were planted in 2023 alone, at a cost of more than CZK 3 million. Information is available on the Škoda Trees grant programme in the Internet application, where you will also find a map of plantings that volunteers can sign up for.
Employee collections
Since 2014, employees at Škoda Auto have been providing support to selected organisations of social benefit through what are known as Employee Collections. In 2023, 1,587 employees were involved in the collections, their donations totalling CZK 4.6 million. The Company then increased these donations, up to a total of CZK 9,360,934. At the end of 2023, employees decided in a company-wide vote which non-profit organizations they would continue to support in the fourth round of fundraising in 2024-2028. The vote was also designed to choose the organisations with the biggest support among employees and the biggest bond to the regions in which the Company works. One other aim was for the in-house social sustainability strategy to play a more significant role.
For the third round of Employee Collections (2020–2023), employees chose and supported ten organisations working on a variety of issues and all-around Czechia or in regions around Škoda Auto. Škoda Auto always doubled the amount collected. The public benefit purpose organisations involved in
the scheme were provided with 80% of the sum contributed by employees, with the remaining 20% being used in support of social responsibility in Pune and Aurangabad in India, where Škoda Auto has production plants.
The concept of Škoda Auto employee collections came first in the Donor Forum (Fórum dárců) despite the competition provided by other employee collections. The panel of judges was most impressed with the longevity of the programme and the opportunity to use the funds gathered in the running
of a particular organisation, allowing the organisations benefiting from the support to actually develop and become more professional.
Škoda Social Week
One example of the activities within the priorities of the Social Sustainability Strategy that connected Company employees to their surroundings and that became a key initiative in raising awareness of social issues in 2023 was Škoda Social Week. This took place in October 2023 and brought with it the unique opportunity to combine care for employees at Škoda Auto with the services provided by social and healthcare providers. The aim was to allow employees and the lay public to learn crucial information about selected social and life events through video interviews, profiles, and accompanying events organised in the regions. What is more, the event raised awareness of the importance of social sustainability and of what social service providers have to offer.
The issues dealt with during Škoda Social Week included donating, employee engagement and volunteering, breaking down barriers, integration, physical and mental health, new forms of work, and support for carers. Twelve social and healthcare providers, five expert organisations, and representatives of specialised divisions at Škoda Auto were all involved in the event. The project involved key organisations that provide social services in the regions, partner organizations of social departments of individual towns, and organisations that hold the Reliability Mark of the Czech Association of Public Benefit Purpose Organisations. Discussions were viewed more than 400 times, while the profiles of the organisations were viewed individually more than 1,000 times. Articles and videos were very popular on the Škoda Space employee portal during the first week of October.
Another key area of the Social Sustainability Strategy is well-being, where Škoda Auto primarily stresses life satisfaction and physical and mental health. Internally, Škoda Auto supports the holistic health of its employees – care for physical health and development of mental health. Externally, the Company advocates for the support of disadvantaged children.
Employee health and care
The health of and care for employees are integral and essential aspects of the strategic area of well-being. For example, Škoda Auto offers programmes that focus on supporting comprehensive healthcare, with considerable emphasis on prevention.
Dental care for employees in Kvasiny and support for dental surgery in Solnice
The Company sees ensuring high-quality healthcare for employees and the residents of the regions around Škoda Auto plants as being a priority. The lack of dental facilities in the Kvasiny region prompted the Company to reconstruct dental surgery and fit it with state-of-the-art equipment, such as machines involved in 3D x-rays and computed tomography. This provided Company employees and the residents of surrounding towns and villages with top dental care in a first-class healthcare facility, in the Kvasiny plant itself. Another surgery underwent reconstruction at the end of 2023, further raising the capacity. Cooperation with the town of Solnice on improving the quality of healthcare in the region is also worth noting.
Škoda Auto also offered its support to Klaudián Hospital in Mladá Boleslav by providing it with a passenger car. This unique joint project will greatly help train movement in patients in the orthopaedic, surgical, and neurological departments. It will help them regain their independence quicker, and in turn get back to work.
Online Doctor 24/7 service
Another unique way of caring for the health of each and every employee at Škoda Auto, and one family member, is the new Online Doctor 24/7 service, which was launched in May 2023. Thanks to having the largest outpatient network in the Czech Republic, the provider makes it possible to consult a
doctor in real-time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The service also deals with making an appointment with a specialist, if required. Combining the digital world and remote healthcare connects the client to a doctor anywhere in the country.
Similarly, the Company guarantees psychological consultation in person or online within a maximum of 14 days, and immediately in a critical condition. Not only will Škoda Auto employees have access to long-term care, currently lacking, but they will also be able to receive specialised psychotherapeutic or psychiatric help and follow-up care.
Neither should we forget the most common lifestyle-related ailment – cardiovascular disorders. The Health Services and Ergonomics Department, working with Klaudián Hospital, a specialised department at Na Homolce Hospital, and the ŠKODA Employee Health Insurance Company, came up with a new programme for Company employees that aims to detect cardiovascular disorders in time, and above all make sure that professional care is provided right away.
The new public Škoda Stresu website
Škoda Auto has been working intensively for many years on supporting the mental health of its employees. Over time, it has gathered a great deal of experience, many contacts, and much valuable information, above all thanks to its cooperation with leading experts on mental health and well-being in the Czech Republic.
The whole world is going through turbulent changes, meaning that mental health is an increasingly common topic among the population. It was for this reason that the Company decided to launch an entirely new website: The site, which translates as “Shame on Stress”, offers a holistic view of the various forms of daily stress we come up against. Visitors to the website can better understand stress and learn how to cope with it effectively. The site offers fast and practical advice, questionnaires, articles, videos, and podcasts. Above all, though, it is a crossroads for help that directs visitors to professional establishments, organisations, therapists, applications, or events in line with the individual needs of each and every user, all from one place.
In 2023, Škoda Auto launched the Health Matters campaign.
Well-being with the use of modern technology
Modern times bring modern technology. Škoda Auto thinks about such advancement, and about using such smart digital tools for healthcare. That’s why it combined virtual reality with mental and physical healthcare in collaboration with Inno Team. The aim was to try out meditation and exercises in the virtual environment, with employees from throughout the Company getting involved. The project was very interesting and successful, and so in the years to come, Škoda Auto will be looking for ways to support prevention and well-being using this technology. Škoda Auto also tells the general public about the opportunity to use modern technology in these areas at regional events such as Gaming Day and events for the family, in collaboration with the Škoda Health Insurance Company.
The Health Matters campaign
Preventive care for one’s health is something that pays off many times over. And promoting prevention is a strategic pillar at the Department of Health Services and Ergonomics. Škoda Auto launched the Health Matters (Na zdraví záleží) campaign in the autumn of 2023. This will continue in the years to come and bring countless events that focus on preventing lifestyle-related diseases and the most common illnesses. One example is Health Week for Men (Týden zdraví pro muže) as part of “Movember”, which the Company organised at the Na Karmeli Education Centre in November. The campaign supports employees and the whole community in caring for physical and mental health and motivates them to get regular medical check-ups and communicate openly about health and well-being. In the regions, Škoda Auto got involved in other public events that present healthcare and social services in those areas or that support general health and well-being.
Škoda Stresu and mental healthcare
Škoda Auto views promoting physical and mental health as a priority. Among its own employees and beyond the gates of its production plants.
“We regularly organise a whole range of comprehensive preventive programmes and campaigns in collaboration with expert partners. In doing so, we try to boost active care for health and promote a safe environment for open communication. So I personally am delighted that we launched the new website,, this year, where users can find all-encompassing information about how to better understand stress and learn how to cope with it effectively. Because quite honestly – does anyone live a truly stress-free life?”
Eva Macková from the Department of Ergonomics and Work Physiology
Maintaining the strategic course
The main topic in 2023 was the gradual implementation of the Company’s strategy of diversity: Next Level Škoda Diversity Strategy 2030, introduced in 2022. The Company took steps aimed at achieving the set targets and commitments, particularly in the area of equal opportunities and gender balance, and raising general awareness of Škoda Auto as a responsible employer and partner, both internally and among the public.
Škoda Auto–Place for everyone
Škoda Auto gives everyone the opportunity to develop and use their potential in a natural and safe environment with respect to their individual qualities.
— Humanity
— Respect
— Openness
Active all year round
Support of diversity, equal opportunities, and inclusion is the foundation on which the Škoda Auto strategy is built. Škoda Auto’s approach to equal opportunities is defined in its Code of Conduct. Back in 2019, the Company signed the European Diversity Charter, actively supporting acceptance, equal opportunities, and cultural diversity, and it has also signed up for the Pride Business Forum. Then, in September, it joined almost 70 companies in sending the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Petr Fiala, an open letter calling for support for the adoption of a law on marriage equality.
Škoda Auto also focused its attention on other diversity issues, such as the equal representation of women and men, a family-friendly policy, cross-generational cooperation, alternative forms of work, and employee engagement. With the support of its social partner the KOVO Unions, Škoda Auto aims to make sure that the percentage of the lesser-represented gender in management is at least 25% by the year 2030. To support the goal the Company introduced several tools and measures. In addition to recruitment campaigns, setting and managing targets in all areas, and optimising talent for management, the Company also runs the oman to Woman mentoring programme, in which, for example, experienced female managers mentor younger female talents, and it also runs several programmes at individual areas of the Company in support of and motivating women on their career paths.
Škoda Auto achieved the planned values of 24.6 in terms of the main target of the “Diversity Index”, internationalisation in management at the end of 2023 stood at 31% and the percentage of women in management reached 18.3%.
Women in Management - Goals | 2024 | 2025 | 2030 |
Share of women in management in the total number of managers | 18.2% | 20% | 25% |
As part of its family-friendly Policy, the Company provides active support to parents before going on maternity or parental leave, and when returning from it, and it keeps in touch with them throughout. For example, it organises events for parents and makes it possible for them to attend training sessions or pick up fresh information from a special section on the employee intranet, the idea being to make their return to work as smooth as possible.
Škoda Enyaq Coupé Respectline
In June, the Company introduced the Škoda Enyaq Coupé Respectline, a car characterised by its unique exterior and interior design elements, the aim being to point to the importance of protecting human rights and promote respect for all people and the environment. The car was born of the collective work of male and female employees from different departments at Škoda Auto and was presented in public for the first time at an Open-Air concert by the Czech Philharmonic.
Partner to the Prague Pride festival
In August, for the second time, Škoda Auto was an official partner to the Prague Pride festival, celebrating diversity and focusing on the issues and needs of the LGBT+ people through a wide range of events and an extensive cultural programme. The festival was first staged in 2011, and this year’s event focused on traditions and their impact on the lives of queer people. The festival was also attended by the Škoda Proud employee resource group and by many Škoda Auto employees.
European Diversity Month
In May, the Company was involved in European Diversity Month, an event aiming to raise awareness of the importance of diversity and inclusion through a variety of activities. It offered its employees a whole range of in-house activities under the motto of “You Matter, We Matter, Diversity Matters” (Na tobě záleží, Na nás záleží, Na rozmanitosti záleží). The programme included presentations, workshops, online activities, and off-site events for employees. Among them, for example, was an interactive panel discussion entitled Don’t Be Afraid to Share (Nebojte se sdílet), organised to mark International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia. Škoda Auto was also a partner of the Fun & Run 2023, a run against homophobia.
Celebrating that all of us are unique: the Škoda Enyaq Coupé Respectline
In 2023, Škoda Auto introduced the Škoda Enyaq Coupé Respectline, the collective work of employees from different departments at Škoda Auto. The car is characterised by its unique exterior and interior design elements, a reference to the importance of protecting human rights and of promoting respect for all people and for the environment. The base is an all-electric production Škoda Enyaq Coupé, which has been enhanced with a striking colour scheme and distinctive interior design details. The original white colour, symbolising the unity of all life on earth, has been overlaid with coloured elements to create a colour transition in countless shades – just as colourful and boundless as life itself. The idea of the car is to express support for an equal and fair approach to all, irrespective of origin, nationality, age, sex, belief, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other difference.
“The topics of equity, diversity and inclusion are increasingly in the spotlight, which is important news for individuals and society as a whole. Having respect for one another and for each person’s uniqueness is the prerequisite for mutual understanding. And this leads to many other positive values, be they in interpersonal relationships, corporate culture, or even in improving the performance of individual teams or entire companies. It’s great that we have managed to incorporate these values into the Škoda Enyaq Coupé Respectline in collaboration with colleagues from other departments, and I hope that its message will reach as many people as possible.”
Martina Zimmermann Expert Diversity Coordinator at Škoda Auto
Community Engagement and Development of Škoda Auto Regions
Boosting regional partnerships and developing communities
Škoda Auto is fully aware of its social responsibility, and it actively focuses on supporting sustainable development in the Mladá Boleslav, Kvasiny, and Vrchlabí regions, in which it operates. It was with the aim of supporting the development of those areas that three regional development studies were commissioned to analyse the current and future needs of the areas and identify the potential for onward growth in line with Company priorities. The studies are accompanied by public opinion surveys and other relevant data that help support the development of regions and improve the quality of the lives of their residents in an effective and targeted way.
Škoda Auto furthered its cooperation with the town of Mladá Boleslav in 2023 by signing a Memorandum of Cooperation with the KOVO Unions and the Statutory Town of Mladá Boleslav. The main aim of this Memorandum is to strengthen relations and take common steps towards improving the quality of life of the residents of the town and its surroundings. Key areas include support for safety, kindergartens and children’s groups, accessibility to leisure time facilities, and initiatives for senior citizens, socially disadvantaged residents, and alternative cultures. The nine main areas of cooperation also promote the integration of foreign nationals and minorities, sports for residents, environmental protection measures, the development of biodiversity, and support for sustainable mobility.
The town of Mladá Boleslav set up a Committee For Cooperation with Škoda Auto and a District Chamber of Commerce. Škoda Auto, the KOVO Unions, and other members are represented there during the 2022–2026 term. The Company and the unions contribute a sum of CZK 4 million per year to the fund.
Cooperation with regional partners is also ongoing in the Rychnov and Vrchlabí areas, where Škoda Auto invested a sum of CZK 6 million in social responsibility projects in 2023. The key areas of support here included mobility for the providers of social care and healthcare, cultural projects, education, traffic safety, support for biological diversity, and emission-free mobility. After renewing its Memorandum with the key towns of Rychnov nad Kněžnou, Solnice, and Kvasiny, a Memorandum of Cooperation was also signed in 2023 with Kostelec nad Orlicí, Dobruška, and Opočno to ensure full cooperation within all regional towns with enhanced powers (ORP).
Škoda Auto Endowment Fund
The Škoda Auto Endowment Fund was established by the Company at the end of 2018 as an additional tool for regional development. In the same year, the Company donated CZK 780 million with the aim of supporting the strategic development of the regions where Škoda Auto has its production plants. The company implements managerial control in the Endowment Fund through its employees, who serve on the Fund‘s management and supervisory boards. In 2018–2022, the Fund received an additional CZK 3.8 million for its activities from Škoda Auto and another CZK 5.1 million from external donors through fundraising. The Company is systematically preparing for a transformation of automotive industry, and therefeore decided to utilise its solid economic results in 2023 and financially contribute to the long-term sustainability of Škoda Auto Endowment Fund with the sum of CZK 103.8 million. Because of this decision, it will be possible to significantly develop projects and activities in the Škoda Auto regions in the following period.
To begin with, the Endowment Fund concentrated on systematic support for the development of the Mladá Boleslav area, where it continued the philanthropic activities of the founders of the Company, Václav Klement and Václav Laurin. In 2021, it expanded its scope of activity into the other regions in which Škoda Auto has its production plants – the Rychnov, Vrchlabí, and Jilemnice areas. The Endowment Fund is a member of the Donors Forum (Fórum dárců), from which it received a Mark of Quality: Company Endowment Fund award.
In 2023 alone, the Endowment Fund financed projects that supported the development of the regions with a total of CZK 101.9 million. Another CZK 7.9 million tied to specific projects was donated by Škoda Auto and another almost CZK 1.6 million by external donors. In total, the Endowment Fund received additional CZK 9.4 million.
Regional development
The support provided stems from the needs and specifics of each of the regions identified in regional development studies, surveys of public opinion, and other publicly available data. The long-term benefits and impacts of supported projects are evaluated based on regular public opinion surveys. There is also regular discussion with residents and local active organisations, the aim being to get feedback and new suggestions. Important partners to the Fund include the representatives of local municipalities, with which the Endowment Fund engages in dialogue about accomplishing long-term development projects and which it encourages in the implementation of transformation strategies.
The Endowment Fund makes great efforts to ensure the active involvement of experts in different areas. Regarding boosting the professionalisation of non-profit organizations, we should mention the Association of Public Benefit Organizations Czech Republic (AVPO ČR), the Civil Society Development Foundation, and the Association of Social Care Providers. The Fund works with the Vision 0 Platform in the sphere of traffic safety and with the Bohemian Heritage Fund in that of culture. The Krkonoše Mountains National Park Administration acts as the guarantor in issues of biodiversity, while the Endowment Fund works with the znesnáze21 organisation to help move the public to donate for charitable causes. The KOVO Unions, meanwhile, provide an important insight into the needs of employees in the regions in which the Fund is active.
The Endowment Fund is also the initiator and main partner to the New Boleslav, New Rychnov, and New Vrchlabí communication platforms, which give space to all interesting initiatives, small-scale organisations, and residents to get involved in happenings in the regions. An online magazine, New Regions, was first published in the middle of 2023 in an effort to involve local residents and strengthen their solidarity with the place in which they live, and build a sense of regional pride.
Online magazine:
In 2023, the Škoda Auto Endowment Fund financed projects supporting the development of regions for a total of CZK 101.9 million.
Strategic projects
Together with private- and public-sector partners, the Endowment Fund works on strategic projects that support the long-term sustainable development of towns, acting positively on the quality of life of the residents of the regions, and achieving the main objectives of the regional development strategy. Among the most significant of those carried out during the reporting period are:
Gateway to Bohemian Paradise – the completion of a bridge that restores the historic route from Hradiště to Horka Hill, which was severed by the construction of the D10 motorway. The Endowment Fund initiated and provided financial support for the study. It also helped finance the execution of the project under the auspices of the town of Mnichovo Hradiště, together with the studio of renowned architect Josef Pleskot.
Bridge across the Jizera River – a project that the Endowment Fund initiated based on suggestions by residents from surveys of public opinion. The new footbridge for cyclists and pedestrians across the Jizera River near Česana, measuring 196 metres, connects to the strategic long-distance Greenway Jizera cycle path. It is part of the planned conceptual rehabilitation of a wider area alongside the river up to the confluence with the Klenice River. Jizera Bank Park is a new zone in which to rest and spend free time. It also supports the maintenance of local biodiversity and acts as a safety zone to protect surrounding buildings from floods.
The “U Kofoly” bridge – the Endowment Fund supported construction of a footbridge for pedestrians and cyclists in the place where a bridge stood in the past, to reconnect Mnichovo Hradiště and Klášter Hradiště nad Jizerou.
Bike-sharing – the initiation and long-term support of a bike-sharing project in all the regions in which the Company operates. The aim here is to raise traffic safety, reduce the level of car usage, and above all support sustainable transport in the regions.
Attic conversion in Solnice Primary School – extensive reconstruction work that helped the school address its insufficient capacity and provided modern facilities. New classrooms were built in the attic in which to teach specialised subjects – IT, music, and art.
Pluhárna – the Endowment Fund initiated the restoration of a historic brownfield site in the heart of Mladá Boleslav as a community centre back in 2019. Renovation of the walls and floors in the new hall was completed in 2023 and extensive reconstruction work was carried out on the roofs of the old hall. The summer and autumn programmes went full steam ahead, with local active organisations and individuals having the chance to get directly involved thanks to an open call.
Impact Hub Mladá Boleslav – the Endowment Fund is the initiator and one of the founders of an emerging co-working and innovation centre that broadens community activity in the historic Klementinka building. The ambition of the project is to create an open space where generations can come together to create ideas with a positive and sustainable impact on society.
Grant calls
The Endowment Fund announced eight grant calls during the reporting period. These focused primarily on the development of community activities and public space, traffic safety, support of culture, social services, and cultural/study residences for secondary school students abroad.
The Fund built on the Company’s long-term Škoda Trees project and launched a new grant programme, Krakonošovy zahrádky, in support of biological and species diversity. The Krkonoše Mountains National Park Administration took the role of guarantor of the call. Thirty eight projects were registered in the first year, with an expert evaluation committee choosing 16. Support was provided, for example, to projects aimed at returning critically endangered species to he wild and at creating a pool, with volunteers helping to dig it out.
In 2023, the Endowment Fund supported a total of 144 projects in grant calls, providing CZK 26.5 million in funding.
Philanthropic projects with a long-term impact include promoting citizen engagement, public collections, and systemic changes in education, as well as the professionalisation of public benefit purpose organisations.
Public collections – the Endowment Fund is a partner to the znesnáze21 platform, which supports individuals in difficult life situations in the regions in which the Company operates. One essential part of cooperation involves engaging the Company-employee sporting community. The Endowment Fund converts the kilometres travelled as part of the ŠKOFIT sports project into money, which is then directed to regional collections. Anyone can get involved – by walking, running, or donating money. Together with employees of the Company and active individuals and communities from the regions, the Endowment Fund supported 17 collections with funds totalling CZK 513,000 in 2023.
The development and professionalisation of public benefit purpose organisations – the Endowment Fund has long supported the development of skills among those trying to change their surroundings in some positive way. It regularly organises workshops entitled How to Prepare a Good Project and launched the Academy for Non-profit Organisations and Social Enterprises, the aim of which is to offer a full education, mentoring, and consulting service and become a platform for the reciprocal sharing of experience.
The Endowment Fund is also a partner to the Non-Profit Organisation of the Year competition, organised by the Civil Society Development Foundation. These activities aim to support the professionalisation of non-profit organisations, educate them, and raise awareness of their importance and of their specific activities among the general public.
Formal and informal education – the Endowment Fund makes efforts to help create quality conditions in which to teach children. The programmes target schools at all levels of education, as well as the bodies that run schools in individual regions, and providers of leisure activities and school communities. In September 2023, the Endowment Fund became a partner to the Giving Children Extra-Curricular Activities (Darujeme kroužky dětem) project, which helps families in financial difficulty provide their children with after-school activities.
The Endowment Fund regularly organises interesting events intended for the general public. In 2023 it organised, for a second time, Yoga Fest, an event full of informative talks and workshops focusing on holistic health and various yoga classes for all – those experienced in yoga, parents and children, and senior citizens. The event, overlapping into charity, was attended by more than 250 people, with all proceeds – more than CZK 42,000 – being used to make improvements at the Neonatology Department at Klaudián Hospital in Boleslav.
Future Playground (previously Gaming Day) again went ahead, focusing on gaming and awareness-raising in modern technologies. The Endowment Fund also took the City = Gallery Street Art Festival to the streets, for a second time, during which seven murals were created and a work of art was created on the wall of a Škoda Auto plant for the very first time, by Czech illustrator Toy Box. As part of the accompanying programme, primary school children and senior citizens were given the chance to try out art in public places. It was also for the first time during the reporting period that the Maker Faire festival of DIY enthusiasts and inventors was held in all Company regions.
All up-to-date information about the Škoda Auto Endowment Fund can be found at, and its annual report can be found at
Humanitarian Aid
Humanitarian Aid
The Company regularly offers help in the event of unexpected humanitarian crises under the banner of #ŠkodaAutoHelps. In past years, for example, the Company provided considerable support in the battle against the Covid-19 pandemic, provided humanitarian aid following a destructive tornado in South Moravia, and actively provided help during the refugee crisis stemming from the war in Ukraine. These initiatives underscore the strong emphasis that Škoda Auto places on social responsibility and fulfilment of Company values
Aid for Turkey
In February 2023, southern and central Turkey were struck by their biggest earthquake since 1950. Immediately after the disaster, the Volkswagen Group, Škoda Auto, and other Group brands contributed a sum of EUR 1 million toward immediate humanitarian aid. Shortly after this, in collaboration with regional partners, they extended their involvement to include material aid, for example buying 75 mobile homes at a total cost of EUR 307,500 for affected Turkish families. The project was carried out with the full support of the KOVO Unions and with the contribution of the Škoda Auto Endowment Fund, which coordinated cooperation among the different organisations involved.
Aid for Ukraine
Škoda Auto became actively involved in the first days of the war and migration crisis, and continued its support in 2023. It deals with the needs of refugees from Ukraine and helps in their integration into regional communities. In this regard, it concentrates primarily on children and young people, particularly in the regions in which it works. That means at Mladá Boleslav, Vrchlabí, and Rychnov.
5,4 mil. CZK
Support of key activities and implementation of integration projects.
For example, the Company took part in arranging a Ukrainian school, Koliba, which served as the first contact centre in the Mladá Boleslav area for refugees and their children from the very beginning of the war, and provided language courses. This project was successfully transformed into the Ukrainian Primary School in Mladá Boleslav, which Škoda Auto financially supports. This help contributed to the successful functioning of the school, with 10 classrooms and 250 children of Ukrainian refugees. The Company also joined forces with the Endowment Fund for Ukraine in 2023, providing a Škoda car to a resocialisation centre for disabled people in Lviv. The car is there to help victims of the war who have lost their mobility, improve the quality of their day-to-day functioning, and return them to normal life. Škoda Auto complemented these initiatives with its grant programmes, with the financial support of the KOVO Unions and Volkswagen Belegschaftsstiftung. To support key activities and the implementation of integration projects in the period 2022-2023, the funding amounted to CZK 5.4 million and included around 25 projects for approximately 1,250 refugees.
Own Workforce
It is with an unwavering belief in the importance of its workforce that Škoda Auto consistently strives to improve the work environment and enhance overall comfort at work for its employees. Employee engagement is crucial not only for the Company’s financial performance, but also for effective communication, setting feedback mechanisms within the Company, and innovation across all areas. As a result, Škoda Auto is involved in multiple projects in different domains to raise employee interest and a sense of belonging.
Škoda Auto recognises that acquiring and developing talent are key factors in ensuring its successful growth. The Company wants to retain employees over the long term, and it is therefore essential that Škoda Auto addresses the evolving needs of its employees, both domestically and internationally.
The Company endeavours to attract prospective employees from domestic and foreign sources, people who are interested in helping the Company’s positive development.
Emphasising diversity, Škoda Auto upholds the principles of equal opportunities and fair pay for all employees and strives to build lasting and close relationships with all its employees.
Policy and ambitions to concern the Company’s own workforce are aligned with the social sustainability strategy. For more details see Social Sustainability Strategy.
Promoting employee flexibility
Promoting flexibility within its own workforce was again one of the main priorities at the Company in 2023. Promoting modern forms of work is an inherent part of the Company’s Next Level Škoda Strategy 2030, which emphasises increasing the number of shared positions and increasing the number of part-time positions. Part-time positions mainly support parents and employees who are carers and need a better work-life balance. Škoda Auto listened to more than 200 employees in 2023 and satisfied their requests to work part-time. At the same time, it identified around 30 positions which were shared by two employees working part-time.
In 2023, around 9,500 employees whose work allowed it took advantage of mobile work – another important way of supporting flexibility.
Activities linked to occupational safety and health play an important role in efforts to improve the general quality of life among Škoda Auto employees. What is more, employee initiatives are designed to enhance the positive social impact of Škoda Auto and foster a sense of solidarity among employees.
The ZEBRA initiative specifically strives to engage employees in activities aimed at innovation and improvement, which, for example, help continually improve their working environment, safety, and ergonomics, see ZEBRA.
Healthy employees in a safe working environment.
Health and safety
Health and care are integral aspects of the issue of well-being at Škoda Auto. The Company introduced programmes that support comprehensive healthcare for employees. Above all, considerable emphasis is placed on prevention.
The Company’s approach to Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) is set out in the Škoda Auto Company Policy.
Škoda Auto established an Occupational Safety and Health Management System in 2019, expanding on the framework of statutory requirements in the sphere of OSH. It gained three new Certificates in this area in 2022.
In 2023, the Company successfully passed the 1st inspection audit as part of a certification process in line with ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems. This system encompasses internal employees, agency workers, and employees of outside organisations.
The OSH strategy at Škoda Auto is still guided by the motto: “Healthy employees in a safe working environment”. The Company’s procedural and organisational documentation outlines the process of identifying and assessing risks, establishes a system for regular occupational health and safety inspections, delineates the responsibilities of Company management, and defines procedures for recording, reporting, and investigating accidents at the workplace.
Motivational programmes in the sphere of OSH include the traditional Best Accident Rate Results Competition, in which the winner receives, among other things, the main prize for the year – the Occupational Safety Trophy.
Furthermore, the collective agreement, which governs individual and collective relationships between individual employees and the employer, includes a chapter dedicated to collaboration between the Company and the KOVO Unions in the realm of OSH. Regular employee training in this area is anchored in organisational standards.
The requirements for contractors working on Škoda Auto premises from the perspective of OSH are found in “Binding conditions and instructions for business partners providing a service on Škoda Auto premises from the perspective of occupational safety and health”, a document which is available on the website for business partners:
Data on accidents at work and incapacity to work
2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
Deaths of internal employees due to occupational accidents or illnesses | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Incapacitating work injuries | 46 | 35 | 70 |
The number of incapacitating work injuries per 1 million hours worked | 0.9 | 0.7 | 1.4 |
Recorded cases of occupational illnesses | 5 | 3 | 0 |
Days missed due to accidents at work | 1,688 | 978 | 2,205 |
Days missed due to occupational illness | 102 | 79 | 0 |
ZEBRA is a motivational programme that encourages innovative thinking among employees and that facilitates the implementation of ideas for making savings and improvements within the Company. Employees who successfully join the program are rewarded financially and materially.
It is the oldest innovation programme at Škoda Auto and is run by the Idea Management Department, which works closely with our social partner, the KOVO Unions. Ideas for improvement can actively influence all processes and activities at the Company. The programme regularly helps save millions of Czech crowns per year and also implement thousands of improvement ideas, big and small, that cannot be financially quantified. Their benefits are savings on materials, costs, and labour, improved efficiency of production processes, greater employee safety, improved environment and ergonomics, higher product quality, etc. These improvements help the Company respond to opportunities and risks relating to changes on the market and directly support the Company’s efficiency, profitability, competitiveness, and sustainability.
Whereas in 2022 the Idea Management Programme moved from quantity to quality, the aim in 2023 was to work through old ideas in the system, and in turn free it up and prepare it for more employee ideas. On top of that, the department worked on further optimising its process, boosting communication, and providing more effective consulting. The Idea Management Programme will maintain the current tendency towards quality and effectiveness, and it plans to further boost communication and ties to other Company activities and objectives.
The year 2023 also marked an unbelievable 30 years since the first Idea Management Raffle, as part of which employees regularly have the chance to win a car for a successful ZEBRA idea.
Employee-related topics were assessed as important to the Company in the dialogue with stakeholders. The Company’s relationship with its employees and care for their health were among the specific significant issues considered. See Sustainability Strategy.
At the same time, employees are an integral part of the Risk Management System, coming as they do under the category of HR risks (e.g., health and care for employees); see Risk Management System.
Regular communication with employees is the key way of helping the Company prevent risks and mitigate impacts in relation to its own workforce. The main issues covered in ongoing communication are employee relations, working conditions, remuneration and collective pay agreements, vocational and professional training, personal development and social engagement, diversity, health, and ergonomics.
The Stimmungsbarometer – an employee satisfaction survey
The Group-wide employee satisfaction survey – the “Stimmungsbarometer” – makes it possible to collect feedback from all employees at the more than 150 companies in the Volkswagen Group in a way that is fully digital and entirely anonymous. Škoda Auto joined the survey for the fifteenth time in 2023.
The questionnaire consists of 24 questions, thematically divided into five blocks, which are rated on a scale with options ranging from “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree”. Given the one-year interval of the survey, a positive trend of increasing employee satisfaction can be observed over the years. This is largely helped by active ongoing work with results by managers and employees alike. This helps improve the mood and the environment in teams and thus positively influences the results of subsequent years of the questionnaire.
The principal aim of collecting feedback from employees is to assess satisfaction and identify risks or negative impacts on employees. Employees get to know the results of their feedback from their superiors, with whom they also jointly identify topics for improvement. Furthermore, the communication is run via employee intranet, employee newsletters, and other internal communication channels.
Issues requiring attention are identified mostly in teams from team results and from discussion of those results. Teams take measures to improve situations together, and monitor their implementation and benefits during the follow-up process.
Characteristics of employees
Year 2023 | Female | Male | Other* | NA* | Total |
Number of employees (head count/FTE) | 7,247 | 26,878 | NA | 0 | 34,125 |
Number of permanent employees (head count/FTE) | 7,027 | 26,392 | NA | 0 | 33,419 |
Number of temporary employees (head count/FTE) | 980 | 2,671 | NA | 0 | 3,651 |
Number of non-guaranteed hours employees (head count/FTE) | 159 | 148 | NA | 0 | 307 |
Number of full-time employees (head count/FTE) | 7,055 | 26,853 | NA | 0 | 33,908 |
Number of part-time employees (head count/FTE) | 192 | 25 | NA | 0 | 217 |
* Gender as specified by the employees themselves
Year 2022 | Female | Male | Other* | NA* | Total |
Number of employees (head count/FTE) | 7,136 | 27,113 | NA | 0 | 34,249 |
Number of permanent employees (head count/FTE) | 6,976 | 26,773 | NA | 0 | 33,749 |
Number of temporary employees (head count/FTE) | 902 | 2,366 | NA | 0 | 3,268 |
Number of non-guaranteed hours employees (head count/FTE) | 134 | 136 | NA | 0 | 270 |
Number of full-time employees (head count/FTE) | 6,997 | 27,101 | NA | 0 | 34,098 |
Number of part-time employees (head count/FTE) | 139 | 12 | NA | 0 | 151 |
* Gender as specified by the employees themselves
Year 2021 | Female | Male | Other* | NA* | Total |
Number of employees (head count/FTE) | 7,242 | 27,911 | NA | 0 | 35,153 |
Number of permanent employees (head count/FTE) | 6,907 | 26,995 | NA | 0 | 33,902 |
Number of temporary employees (head count/FTE) | 647 | 2,724 | NA | 0 | 3,371 |
Number of non-guaranteed hours employees (head count/FTE) | 147 | 162 | NA | 0 | 309 |
Number of full-time employees (head count/FTE) | 7,149 | 27,903 | NA | 0 | 35,052 |
Number of part-time employees (head count/FTE) | 93 | 8 | NA | 0 | 101 |
* Gender as specified by the employees themselves
Year | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
Core staff | 32,738 | 33,881 | 34,514 | 35,153 | 34,249 | 34,125 |
Apprentices | 958 | 948 | 923 | 879 | 814 | 759 |
Summary | 33,696 | 34,829 | 35,437 | 36,032 | 35,063 | 34,884 |
* Physical status of Škoda Auto employees as of 31.12.2023, in the Czech Republic, including apprentices, without temporary workers (2945 employees).
Structure of employees by citizenship in 2023 (%)
Production employees | Technical - administrative employees | Management* | Senior management** | |||||
Czech | 18,950 | 74.55% | 11,020 | 94.58% | 684 | 87.36% | 255 | 81.99% |
Polish | 3,084 | 12.13% | 12 | 0.10% | 0.00% | 0.00% | ||
Slovak | 1,544 | 6.07% | 308 | 2.64% | 25 | 3.19% | 10 | 3.22% |
Ukrainian | 1,146 | 4.51% | 39 | 0.33% | 1 | 0.13% | 1 | 0.32% |
German | 0.00% | 114 | 0.98% | 59 | 7.54% | 39 | 12.54% | |
Other | 694 | 2.73% | 159 | 1.36% | 14 | 1.79% | 6 | 1.93% |
Total | 25,418 | 100% | 11,652 | 100% | 783 | 100% | 311 | 100% |
* Management is a subgroup of Technical - administrative employees
** Top management is a subgroup of Management
Structure of employees by citizenship in 2022 (%)
Production employees | Technical - administrative employees | Management* | Senior management** | |||||
Czech | 19,599 | 76.67% | 10,841 | 94.64% | 652 | 86.02% | 251 | 80.45% |
Polish | 2,925 | 11.44% | 14 | 0.12% | 2 | 0.26% | 1 | 0.32% |
Slovak | 1,541 | 6.03% | 290 | 2.53% | 26 | 3.43% | 12 | 3.85% |
Ukrainian | 897 | 3.51% | 40 | 0.35% | 2 | 0.26% | 0.00% | |
German | 2 | 0.01% | 114 | 1.00% | 60 | 7.92% | 40 | 12.82% |
Other | 598 | 2.34% | 156 | 1.36% | 16 | 2.11% | 8 | 2.56% |
Total | 25,562 | 100% | 11,455 | 100% | 758 | 100% | 312 | 100% |
* Management is a subgroup of Technical - administrative employees
** Top management is a subgroup of Management
Structure of employees by citizenship in 2021 (%)
Production employees | Technical - administrative employees | Management* | Senior management** | |||||
Czech | 20,007 | 77.46% | 10,825 | 94.59% | 659 | 85.92% | 257 | 79.81% |
Polish | 2,902 | 11.24% | 21 | 0.18% | 2 | 0.26% | 1 | 0.31% |
Slovak | 1,693 | 6.55% | 286 | 2.50% | 22 | 2.87% | 8 | 2.48% |
Ukrainian | 598 | 2.32% | 32 | 0.28% | 2 | 0.26% | 0 | 0.00% |
German | 2 | 0.01% | 120 | 1.05% | 63 | 8.21% | 47 | 14.60% |
Other | 627 | 2.43% | 160 | 1.40% | 19 | 2.48% | 9 | 2.80% |
Total | 25,829 | 100% | 11,444 | 100% | 767 | 100% | 311 | 100% |
* Management is a subgroup of Technical - administrative employees
** Top management is a subgroup of Management
Remuneration and Employee Benefits
Škoda Auto has in place an equal pay system, which ensures that female and male employees in the same or similar positions are paid the same. This principle is applied globally throughout the Group. A Collective Agreement, valid for all core staff at Škoda Auto in the Czech Republic, sets out employees’ wages. The pay system is made up of fixed basic wage and variable wage components. The Company also provides additional payments, for example, for overtime work, being on-call, or working on public holidays. The wages paid for a standard workweek will not drop below the relevant national or trade-union minimum wage in the relevant country. The remuneration policy draws on the Labour Code and other regulations in accordance with Czech legislation.
The Collective Agreement applies to all employees at Škoda Auto who have a valid employment contract with Škoda Auto, and to Agreement on Work Activity (dohody o pracovní činnosti) and Agreement on Work Performance (dohody o provedení práce). However, employees with agreements to work outside of an employment relationship are not covered by the Collective Agreement when it comes to rights relating to termination of employment and remuneration. The Agency Employment Charter applies to all agency staff – that is, employees who have signed an employment contract with an employment agency that temporarily assigns those employees to work for a contractually set amount of time under the supervision and guidance of the user, Škoda Auto, as part of a “Master Vendor” system. This is valid for an indefinite term.
Employee benefits
Škoda Auto provides a wide range of benefits to all core staff, irrespective of whether they work full-time or part-time. The benefit system has been modernised to emphasise digitalisation, flexibility, and accessibility, targeting the individual needs of each and every employee.
The most commonly used employee benefits are:
— Škoda Cafeteria Benefits
— Contribution to the Contributory pension scheme
— Contribution toward meals at restaurants on the grounds of the plant
— Working anniversary reward
— Contributions toward recreation or recondition stays in a spa
— Interest-free loan for housing or for buying a Škoda car
— Operating lease for Škoda vehicles
— Support for sporting activities
— Preventive health programme
In 2023, the social fund budget for benefits exceeded CZK 450.7 million. In accordance with the Agency Employment Charter, the Company also provides a variety of attractive benefits to agency staff, such as discounted prices on cars and accessories or participation in selected training sessions.
Social fund budget for benefits 2023
Purpose of drawing | in thousands of CZK |
Recreation and recondition stay in spa | 164,280 |
Working anniversary | 114,195 |
Contribution when a child is born | 16,000 |
Social assistance | 47,300 |
Catering | 108,090 |
Nursery allowance | 800 |
Social protection
Škoda Auto works in the Czech Republic, where there is a strong social policy system in place. This system provides employees with state support during maternity and parental leave, retirement, unemployment, and in the case of illness or incapacity to work due to injury.
Parents on maternity leave, parental leave and unpaid leave until the child is 4 years old
Year | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
Parents on maternity leave, parental leave and unpaid leave until the child is 4 years old | 949 | 1,061 | 1,151 | 1,149 | 1,072 |
Men | 1.3% | 0.8% | 1.0% | 1.1% | 1.2% |
Women | 98.7% | 99.2% | 99% | 98.9% | 98.8% |
Disabled persons (ZTP/P card holder)
Year | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
Disabled persons | 1.2% | 1.3% | 1.2% | 1.3% | 1.3% |
10,000 CZK for every child born to parents employed at Škoda Auto.
Based on the Collective Agreement, the Company provides its employees with the following leave in the case of obstacles to work over and above that set out in valid legal regulations:
— the birth of a child to the employee’s wife (partner)
— the death of close persons, and attending the funeral
— wedding/registered partnership, and attending the ceremony
— moving houses, with your own furniture, regardless of the location
The company also provides time off work to care for a child under the age of 12, time off for a family member of a disabled person (ZTP/P card holder), and time off for people with disabilities.
Škoda Auto makes efforts to support parental care and the families of employees, and it provides financial help to new parents. Parents who have been employed by the Company for at least 3 months are eligible to receive a contribution of CZK 10,000 for each child born. The Seniority Programme, after 30 years of uninterrupted employment at the Company, contains:
— 1 paid day off every half-year
— a subsidised 14-day reconditioning stay
— 5 paid days off per year for taking a reconditioning stay from the employer
Škoda Auto provides its employees with a wide range of training opportunities. Educational events focus on competence development, career management and personnel development, new media and digital education, language education, technical education, etc.
Internal staff training (2023)
Number of hours studied per employee | 19.65 |
Number of educational events per year | 14,012 |
All complaints and input concerning suspicions of breach of work regulations are investigated in line with in-house rules and put on record in an electronic system.
Depending on the nature of the situation under consideration (complaint or suspicion), the case is handled either in cooperation with a direct manager and HR manager or with the involvement of the Legal Division, or a lawyer specialising in labour law. The process itself and all data and information are supervised as part of the HR Compliance initiative.
The process is described in internal documentation in the form of a methodological guideline and applies to all direct managers and involved divisions. Information about a suspected breach of work discipline can take any form – verbal, written, or it can be about seeing/hearing some kind of conduct. Input may come from any individual (even anonymously) or from other specialised divisions, such as Internal Audit or Plant Safety, or from public authorities. During disciplinary proceedings, Škoda Auto penalises employees for proven breach of employment obligations according to the intensity and severity of whatever has occurred. Labour law does not permit financial penalties. Breaches are divided into fourteen categories, as defined by the Group. These categories include offences relating to working time, offences against property, inappropriate behaviour, and offences relating to alcohol and drugs.
No employment relationship was terminated during the reference period on the grounds of discrimination.
Forced labour and child labour
No cases of forced labour, human trafficking, or child labour were recorded during the reference period. Neither were there any violations of the UN Global Compact or OECD guidelines.
Workers in the Value Chain
Škoda Auto approaches the management of its supply chain with consideration for the important role employees play in the whole process and for this reason pursues a policy of fair treatment of and respect for employees.
The Company is convinced that it is jointly responsible for ensuring a safe and healthy working environment and, at the same time, for guaranteeing fair pay for work that contributes to the value of the end product. Overall, this sort of approach is important from an ethical perspective and from that of the sustainable development and long-term success of the Company. Škoda Auto is aware that companies that care for employees throughout their supply chain are attractive to customers and investors and can prosper better in the competitive environment.
In terms of ensuring the protection of workers across its value chain, Škoda Auto is fully committed to its corporate human rights responsibility, see Human Rights. The Company’s approach complies with general UN principles in relation to business and human rights, which refer to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
Due diligence on human rights
When managing its suppliers, Škoda Auto follows a sustainable approach and puts particular emphasis on protecting those groups of people at high risk of violating human rights. To this end, it employs the due diligence processes set out in its guidelines. In this context, due diligence concentrates on continually identifying risks and on setting preventive and alleviating measures. The implementation of the Human Rights Focus system means that the Company is able to effectively respond to serious threats to human rights and the environment throughout its supply chain. This system draws on internal analyses and enables the Company to target those parts of the supply chain where the risk of a negative impact on human rights is particularly high.
Raw-material supply chains
The Company shows extreme caution when managing raw-material supply chains, in particular those that might come from an area affected by conflict and/or from high-risk areas. It bases its approach on OECD instruction for due diligence in this respect. Among the key aspects of this approach are the management, identification, and prevention of risks, a system of checking organisations involved in extraction and refining, and tools for conveying information and communication. In this way, the Company makes sure that its raw-material supply chains are based on ethical and responsible principles and that it does not support conflict or unethical practices when sourcing raw materials. These efforts comply with international instructions and standards and contribute toward a more sustainable approach to extracting raw materials.
Risks and impacts assessment
Some of the most pressing risks in relation to human rights were identified in deeper supply chain linkages. Škoda Auto systematically minimises such risks by sticking to an approach of responsible sourcing and implementing detailed processes of in-depth checks of maintaining human rights. The Company also actively engages with its suppliers beyond first-tier suppliers to ensure social sustainability throughout its value chain. The Company’s suppliers are assessed for sustainability using the S-rating see Business Conduct.
Customers and End-Users
The Company’s focus on the customer involves a set of activities within the Company through which it systematically works towards one clear and common goal – the development of relationships with Škoda Auto’s internal and external customers.
The Company strives to understand its customers, partners, suppliers, and employees as much as possible in order to provide them with the best services and experiences. Focus on the customer is a key priority at Škoda Auto, which is why the Company has long supported education in this area.
Škoda Auto works on optimising all processes to evoke positive emotions in customers in connection with the Škoda brand. The Company recognises that stricter legislative regulations and changing trends, such as digitalisation and evolving customer preferences, frequently provide new prospects for businesses, creating opportunities to develop innovative products.
Customer safety
Customer safety is one of the Company’s main priorities. For this reason, major investments are made in innovative solutions and the latest technologies, with a view to increasing passenger safety. The Company’s long-term goal is to increase the safety of all road users and to take the common technology to a higher level in the category of compact cars. Škoda cars are among the safest vehicles in their class.
For more on safety and mobility, see Social Sustainability Strategy.
Consumer protection is an integral part of Škoda Auto’s business activities. The Company is committed to complying with all legal and internal regulations relating to consumer protection.
All input and complaints received from customers through various communication channels (e.g., email, post, Infoline, car dealers, importers, and other Company units) are processed in the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. The Company has specific units responsible for addressing such input. Each case is handled on an individual basis. Škoda Auto always takes specific circumstances into consideration. The special needs of customers who might be particularly vulnerable and/or marginalised are dealt with individually (for instance, a car with automatic transmission or with some
other adjustment is offered to a disabled consumer).
Škoda Auto stresses the quality and availability of services for customers and works continually on improving them. For example, the CAI (Conversation Artificial Intelligence) Solution for CIC (Customer Interaction Center) project was launched in 2023 to apply conversational artificial intelligence
to customer processes, such as support for the international call centre for digital services.
Škoda Auto also collaborates with customers by regularly monitoring customer satisfaction with the help of various studies and Company applications. Customer experience and satisfaction are monitored in an international study carried out throughout the Group. This study aims to learn about customer satisfaction with a product, the after-sales service, and the dealership. As such, Škoda Auto has recently significantly improved its rating through projects such as Škoda Customer Xperience.
Special attention is paid to the quality of after-sales services. Satisfaction with the services of the servicing network is regularly monitored. Within one to three days of taking their car back from the repair shop, customers are contacted by email or SMS and asked to fill in a basic satisfaction questionnaire. The results of the questionnaire are immediately written into satisfaction reports, making it possible for the Company to monitor the evolution of the customer experience in real time. Most attention is paid to those customers who were not entirely satisfied with their most recent visit. These customers are contacted by phone within a maximum of 24 hours and are provided with sufficient explanation and support in resolving the issue.
The Customer CentriCITY project was launched in 2021 with a view to putting the customer at the heart of the Company’s thinking and decision-making. Customer insight and feedback are important to Škoda Auto not only in the final product phase, but also during the development phase.
Škoda Auto utilises all available means in justified cases to mitigate and remedy significant impacts on its customers and end-users, and their goodwill.
As part of its work, the Customer Care Department assesses the risks arising from individual customers cooperating with business partners and addresses any complaints made by importers. It assigns the appropriate priority to each case in the CRM tool and resolves them on an individual basis. If
necessary, information is passed on to other specific organisational units for processing.
Customer inputs and complaints are monitored and evaluated. In relevant cases, an in-depth analysis of the car is undertaken, or the process of eliminating defects is initiated. All cases with material damage or with the occurrence of negative repercussions are resolved on an individual basis. The Company has created a special budget for such cases and associated compensation.
In 2023, a decision was taken on four recall campaigns.
Social Sustainability Strategy
Social sustainability is one of the cornerstones of Škoda Auto’s sustainability strategy. The guiding principle of the strategy is respect for human rights and freedoms, see Human Rights. The Company regularly evaluates its activities in relation to the strategy and discusses them with its social partner, the KOVO Unions. Specific steps designed to achieve the set objectives are derived from the principle of Creating Shared Values – CSV. This principle enables the Company to create added value for its own benefit and for the benefit of its employees and all other stakeholders.
The “Best in Class in ESG” strategy, which pertains to social issues, emphasizes two main categories – people and communities and diversity. Within these, Škoda Auto focuses on the following strategic areas in which the Company can best help its own employees and people around it:

Each strategic area comes with an internal and external dimension, and together these determine the actual steps the Company takes to achieve the set objectives. The established dimensions complement each other and overlap. The internal dimension concentrates primarily on Company employees, and the external dimension focuses on sharing the know-how of the Company and its employees with external partners.
All five areas are concentrated mainly in the regions in which Škoda Auto has its production plants – the Mladá Boleslav, Rychnov, and Vrchlabí areas. They are not, however, restricted solely to these areas. Škoda Auto carries out a range of activities throughout the Czech Republic, and some at the international level. For example, providing aid in humanitarian crises, together with a whole range of other programmes.
As far as the individual regions around its plants are concerned, Škoda Auto places considerable emphasis on increasing the attractiveness of those areas and on their sustainable development. For this reason, the Company established the Škoda Auto Endowment Fund in 2018, contributing the initial capital. This is an auxiliary tool of regional development, one which constantly focuses on the systematic development of the regions in areas not connected to Company know-how, but instead reflecting challenges in sustainable development, see Community Engagement and Development of Škoda Auto Regions.
To independently monitor its activities in the field of social sustainability, the Company takes part in the regular IPSOS CSR and Reputation Research study and evaluates different scorecards of satisfaction and quality of life (Cities in Data, where appropriate Behavio – a survey of satisfaction). In 2023, the Company broadened the areas it checks to include what is known as an Activity Success Index, which reflects how the Czech population sees projects from the perspective of credibility, value, uniqueness, whether they “fit the brand”, and further potential they have, see Sustainability Strategy.
Public Sector Partnerships
In 2023, Škoda Auto continued to expand partnerships, that give it the opportunity to express its views on key issues in the public sector. One such partnership is the support of Aspen Institute Central Europe. As part of this partnership, Company representatives actively attended key conferences and important networking events in 2023. Such an example is the Young Leader programme, which offers young leader the opportunity to broaden their personal and professional skills and reflect on fundamental values in the course of their careers. Škoda Auto is also a general partner to the Arnošt Lustig Award, which is presented each year to people who have helped maintain and develop societal values in line with the motto “courage and bravery, humanity and justice”. The award was established in 2011 by the Czech–Israeli Joint Chamber of Commerce.
Škoda Auto is a member of several platforms and associations that focus on sustainability values, within which it is able to share its expertise and knowledge with other partners and at the same time gain valuable input for its work on sustainability issues in the future. In 2023, for example, the Company became a partner to and became actively involved in the Broumov Debates, which are strongly intergenerational in nature and which provide space for in-depth debate in which the emphasis is on principles of democratic discussion. It also continued its active engagement in and development of sustainability issues within the Association of Corporate Responsibility (A-CSR) and the Business Leaders Forum. Company representatives discuss each of the main pillars of social sustainability with expert partners in their particular field:
As far as education is concerned, organisations that bring innovation to formal and informal education, develop pedagogical leadership or provide unique data about key problems in the Czech Republic, and cooperate on systemic reforms in education and social policy. Such partners include Aisis, the Duke of Edinburgh International Award Czech Republic Foundation, Society for All, and PAQ Research.
In terms of mobility there are namely the Czech Association of Driving Schools, whose aim is to raise the standard of instruction in Czechia together, and the Czech Paraplegic
Association – CZEPA.
Well-being: important partners include organisations that deal with prevention in mental care and that bring practical and verified information with a view to engaging in quality discussions of mental health. Amongst those partners belong for example Nevypusť duši (Don‘t Let Go of Your Soul).
In the area of volunteering, the Company collaborates with Nadace Partnerství (Partnership Environmental Foundation), which supports communities in environmental activities throughout the Czech Republic; Nadace Terezy Maxové (Tereza Maxová Foundation), which helps abandoned and disadvantaged children; Czech unions for nature conservation; and Správa Krkonošského národního parku (Krkonoše
Mountains National Park Administration).
The issue of diversity is addressed, amongst others, in cooperation with a platform for responsible business in the Czech Republic – Byznys pro společnost (Business for Society) – as part of which the Company signed a “Diversity Charter” back in 2019.